Download Template According to Academic Level

(Undergraduate, Graduate, or Doctoral)

The following are the only official source of approved syllabi templates for Grace College School of Ministry Studies and Grace Seminary.

Syllabus Wiki


  1. Download the appropriate syllabus template above

  2. Edit the syllabus template in Microsoft Word

  3. For cross-listed (XL) classes, please complete one syllabus for each level (e.g., grad and undergrad) of the course (cut and paste content)

  4. Once completed, please save your final syllabus version in .PDF (portable document format)

  5. Name your syllabus as follows: COURSE CODE, TITLE, PROFESSOR, SEMESTER-SESSION, YEAR (See example below)

6. Submit completed syllabi to the Seminary Dean's Office at with YEAR SEMESTER SESSION SYLLABUS (Professor) in the subject line [e.g., 2020 Spring A Syllabus (Cardoza)]

This naming and submission approach will make our filing, referencing, and locating syllabi easier due to standardization. Thank you in advance.

Questions? Contact our Office at x 6437 or off-campus, dial 574.372.5100 x6437