Editorial Guidelines


By its very nature, a wiki is designed for collaboration and sharing. The more people who collaborate, the greater the resource will become. The greater the resource becomes, the more it will be shared. The more it is shared, the more people it helps. Join us!

GUIDELINES for contributing

  1. Make it helpful, practical, simple, and beautiful or our wiki won't be used

  2. Do the hard work of curating good content, as it must provide outstanding content others do not have time or expertise to find

  3. Do the hard work of collating content into meaningful categories for ease of navigation

  4. Follow established content and design motifs for continuity of experience and ease of use

  5. Triple-check all links for accuracy and all copy for type-o's

  6. Fix mistakes you find or, if advisable, alert the contributor to give them the opportunity to fix it

  7. Reference persons or sources anytime possible

  8. Don't take shortcuts in designing the site, but don't make it cumbersome or repetitive

  9. Contribute to the wiki and promote the wiki

  10. Accept that building wikis is a thankless task but the benefits are helping others, growing your knowledge, and developing moral authority

  11. Never delete someone else's content unless you are a designated editor

  12. Only authorized people should publish the wiki. Ask the Wikimaster if you are uncertain of how to proceed

  13. Remember: Wiki quality is intrinsically related to content creation, collection, curation, categorization, classification, and presentation!

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